Monday, February 25, 2008


Got the clues.
What about the mailbox?
Steve and the sweater.
Sidetable and note book?
Salt, Pepper, and paprika.
Soap cleans up the mess.
Which way did Blue go?

Soccer Guys

When we played at lakewood Me and Savannah gt 4 guys phone numbers. Bryce, Kyle, Kris, and Avery. I started off by asking Avery for his number for Emily and Vica. He gave it to me and i put it in my phone. Then after my game Stina and I went over to a group f guys and asked for Kyle's number. We some how ended up with Kyle's friend Bryce's number. We asked Bryce for Kyle's number, but he gave us Kris's number. We startd texting Kris and he told us who he was. He didn't want us calling and texting him anymore. There were about 7 people that were texting him. Only Savannah kept texting him. I kept texting Bryce and Emily and Vica started texting Avery. We were texting for the whole bus ride home. It was funny when me and Stina went to the group of guys because one of the guys asked us which girls wanted their number. We told him one of them that were in the bleachers. He looked at us rubbing his npples and was like "Shes so hot." And then he was saying how she was giving him a boner. It was ne of the funniest things I've ever seen a random guy do! I will never forget that.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Volleyball tournament 2/2/08

On February 2nd my team had their 2nd Power League tournament. We started off in the Black division. Our goal is to get up to Bronze. We started off in pool pay with 3 other teams. We first played a team from Puget Sound(i forgot their name, but they were the purple team). They were as good as us. The first match we played we did really good. We completely owned them. The second match wasn’t so good. We stopped talking and there were a lot of missed serves. We ended up losing that match. We played a third and final match to 15. We lost my a close match 25-23. After that game we had to referee the next game. I was the lines person. After reefing my team played a team called Nemesis. We beat them every game. We played really well, or they just weren’t that good. After that we sat 2 games then played Cascade. We had some mistakes with rotations. After a while of stopping the game we got back to the game a won. We got into bracket play and played the purple team again. We lost to them both games. It was sad.

First Volleyball Tournament.

On 1/6/08 my volleyball team had their first tournament. It was a inter club tournament. So we played other u-14/13 teams in our club. We started off undefeated. The last game was retarded. We were playing 14 Cyclone. We had beaten their team in an earlier game. Our championship match was really dumb. We were supposed to play one game to 30, but they had to stop us at 6:00 p.m. The score was 10-10. The referee blew the whistle. She said we had only one ball left to play. Natasha served the ball, out, we lost. The authorities counted it as a tie. Since they didn’t win by two points. The tournament was very exciting though. We got all of our uniforms and sweats. It was really fun. I had to miss the tournament after this one because of adventure ed. My team did good though.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Teddy + Snow

I have a little samoyed/golden retriever named Teddy. On saturday after my soccer game Teddy was outside with me playing in the 2 1/2 inches of snow we had. We were running down a hill. Teddy followed behind me. When i turned around there was this snow ball about the size of 2 binders side by side comming after me. I couldn't find Teddy! So he must have tripped and rolled dow the hill and the snow sticked to him! I stopped the rolling ball and broke off the snow chucks as fast as i could. Then I grabbed Teddy and ran inside. I set him by the fire we had and put blankets on him. We sat and watches some TV until I knew he would be ok.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Stop Frame Reflection Essay

These last couple of weeks me and my partner Elizabeth, have been working on a project for Mr. B’s Social Studies class. Our job was to use materials to make scenes of Jacques Cartier’s life. We were to take pictures of about seven different scenes and put them on the computer to make a movie with I-movie. Then we had to add audio and titles to the movie and finally put the movie on YouTube. It was difficult at times, but most of the time I was having fun. I learned some things about turning things in early, it really helps!
The most fun part about this project was playing with the clay. We got to make people, attempt to make boats, and we made all sorts of random things. We borrowed other people’s clay creatures and when we were done using them we got to destroy them! Liz and I got to use all colors and make out funny people. In one scene we borrowed Harrison and Austin’s people as our Indians and they attacked our people. That animation was the funniest. All you could see is our people getting tackled and our explorer running away! It’s my favorite animation.
The hardest part was putting the pictures on the computer and recording voice. Liz and I had to change four computers because each one had a problem. A couple couldn’t record voice and some wouldn’t let us change the time for the pictures. It was difficult and annoying at times. For each time we had to change the time on the pictures it took us forever. Sometimes the photos didn’t turn out so right and didn’t get on the server. So we had to go back to one of our other three computers and put them on the server. Liz and I were crammed with so much stuff the first week of this project that we got behind because of sports so we had to work extra hard and concentrate more.
Even though me and Liz came over to my house a couple times and stayed after school we still ended up turning in our project a day late. We learned that we need to prepare ourselves better. We knew we were going to be gone so we should have worked on the project more before we left so we wouldn’t be behind. We now know that we need to ask our teacher for help when we need it and if were gone we need to ask him what we missed. Liz and I will work hard on everything we do from now on and always turn things in on time. It was a good lesson learned.
This project overall was pretty fun. We got to learn how to use different soft wares on the computer and to work together as a team. It helped that Liz was one of my best friends because if I was partnered up with someone that wasn’t a good friend of mine I wouldn’t have done so well. I want to thank Liz for the great team work and Mr. B for helping us when we asked for it. Hopefully this project was one of the easiest projects we have, but if it isn’t I’am prepared.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Volleyball! =]

Volleyball is my favorite sport. I'm really happy right now because yesterday I tried out for a volleyball club over town. The club is called Northwest Juniors. My sister played for there team last year. Almost every weekend they had a tournament. It was fun watching all the teams have little ribbons in their hair and have everything matching. It looked liked they were having tons of fun. It encouraged me to join this year. So on November 4th i tried out for NWJuniors U-14 teams in Edmonds. It was a long tryout. About 4 hours of non-stop hard work. About 3 hours through they told us that we were selected to play on the national team. After about another 30 minutes the club director came up to our group and told us we would not be playing as a national team this year because of the shortage of girls and there wasn't that much depth in the team. The group of girls and I were to play as the number one team regionally. There is about 16 people on my team. Our team name is 14 Eclipse. I am very excited for our season to start because we don't have games, we have tournaments every weekend almost. Later on in the season our team will decide if we go to the festival or not but I hope we do. Go Eclipse!! =]